Click here for Kiona Ogle’s Google Scholar Profile that includes a list of publications in print, links to PDFs, and publication statistics (such as citations and H-index).
Accepted / Published
- Rodman, K., J. Bradford, A. Formanack, P. Fulé, D. Huffman, T. Kolb, A. Miller-ter Kuile, D. Normandin, K. Ogle, R. Pederson, D. Schlaepfer, M. Stoddard, A. Waltz (2024). Restoration treatments enhance tree growth and alter climatic constraints during extreme drought. To appear in Ecological Applications.
- Reich, E.G., K. Samuels-Crow, J. Bradford, M. Litvak, D. Schlaepfer, and K. Ogle (2024). A semi‐mechanistic model for partitioning evapotranspiration reveals transpiration dominates the water flux in drylands. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 129 (7), e2023JG007914 [abstract]
- Miller-ter Kuile, A., K. Ogle, C. Cavanaugh, J. Dudley, A. Markus, V. Saab, M. Wright, J. Sanderlin. Forest management, forest vegetation, and climate influence nesting ecology of a focal bird species in the western USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 549, article 121443, abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., P. Nguyen, C. Ebert, G.W. Koch, E.A.G. Schuur, K. Ogle (2023). Moisture stress limits radial mixing of non-structural carbohydrates in sapwood of trembling aspen. Tree Physiology, tpad083. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., K. Ogle (2023). Research Highlight: Still recovering or just remembering? To understand drought legacies, modelling choices matter. Journal of Ecology, 111:1170-1173. abstract
- Samuels-Crow, K.E., D.M.P. Peltier, Y. Liu, J.S. Guo, J.M. Welker, W.R.L. Anderegg, G.W. Koch, C. Schwalm, M. Litvak, J.D. Shaw, K. Ogle (2023). The importance of monsoon precipitation for foundation tree species across the semiarid Southwestern US. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6:1116786. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., J. Lemoine, C. Ebert, X. Xu, K. Ogle, A.D. Richardson, M.S. Carbone (2023). An incubation method to determine the age of available nonstructural carbon in woody plant tissues. Tree Physiology, tpad015. abstract
- Palmquist, E.C., K. Ogle, T.G. Whitham, G.J. Allan, P.B. Shafroth, B.J. Butterfield (2023). Provenance, genotype, and flooding influence growth and resource acquisition characteristics in a clonal, riparian shrub. American Journal of Botany, 110:e16115. abstract
- Marqués, L., J.J. Camarero, M. Zavala, D.M.P. Peltier, J. Madrigal, G. Sangüesa-Barreda, K. Ogle (2022). Disentangling the legacies of climate and management on tree growth. Ecosystems, 25:215:235. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., J. Guo, P. Nguyen, M. Bangs, L. Gear, M. Wilson, S. Jefferys, K. Samuels-Crow, L.L. Yocom, Y. Liu, M.K. Fell, D. Auty, C. Schwalm, W.R.L. Anderegg, G.W. Koch, M. Litvak, K. Ogle (2021). Temporal controls on crown nonstructural carbohydrates in southwestern US tree species. Tree Physiology 41:388-402.
- Marqués, L., K. Ogle, D.M.P. Peltier, J.J. Camarero (2022). Altered climate memory characterizes tree growth during forest dieback. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 314: article 108787. abstract
- Liu, Y., K. Ogle, J.W. Lichstein, S.T. Jackson (2022). Estimation of pollen productivity and dispersal: How pollen assemblages in small lakes represent vegetation. Ecological Monographs, 92:e1513. abstract
- Fell, M., J. Barber, K. Ogle (2022). ACGCA: An R package for simulating tree growth and mortality based on functional traits. Ecological Informatics, 69:101605. abstract
- Yocom, L.L., K. Ogle, D. Peltier, P. Szejner, Y. Liu, R.K. Monson. Tree growth sensitivity to climate varies across a seasonal precipitation gradient. Oecologia, 198:933-946. abstract
- Palmquist, E.C., Ogle, K., Whitham, T.G., Allan, G.J., Shafroth, P.B., and Butterfield, B.J., 2022, Provenance, genotype, and flooding influence growth and resource acquisition characteristics in a clonal, riparian shrub: American Journal of Botany, online, abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., W.R.L. Anderegg, J.S. Guo, K. Ogle (2022). Contemporary tree growth shows altered climate memory. Ecology Letters 25:2663-2674. abstract
- Page, J.C., M.G. De Kauwe, G. Abramowitz, J. Cleverly, N. Hinko-Najera, M.J. Hovenden, Y. Liu, A.J. Pitman, and K. Ogle. Examining the role of environmental memory in the predictability of carbon and water fluxes across Australian ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 19:1913-1932. abstract
- Samuels-Crow, K., K. Ogle, E.C. Palmquist (2022). What drought means for southwestern landscapes. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 35:16-19.
- Pegoraro, E., M. Mauritz, K. Ogle, C. Ebert, and E.A.G. Schuur (2021). Lower soil moisture and deep soil temperatures in thermokarst features increase old soil carbon loss after ten years of experimental permafrost warming. Global Change Biology, 27: 1293-1308. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., J. Guo, P. Nguyen, M. Bangs, L. Gear, M. Wilson, S. Jefferys, K. Samuels-Crow, L.L. Yocom, Y. Liu, M.K. Fell, D. Auty, C. Schwalm, W.R.L. Anderegg, G.W. Koch, M. Litvak, K. Ogle (2021). Temporal controls on crown nonstructural carbohydrates in southwestern US tree species. Tree Physiology, 41: 388-402. abstract
- Mauritz, M., E. Pegoraro, K. Ogle, C. Ebert, and E.A.G. Schuur (2021). Investigating thaw and plant productivity constraints on old soil carbon respiration from permafrost. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 126 (6): e2020JG006000. abstract
- Marqués, L., J.J. Camarero, M. Zavala, D.M.P. Peltier, J. Madrigal, G. Sangüesa-Barreda, K. Ogle (2021). Recovering ecological memory from tree ring data to disentangle the influence of climate and management in mixed forests. Ecosystems, abstract
- Ogle, K., Y. Liu, S. Vicca, and M. Bahn (2021). A hierarchical, multivariate meta-analysis approach to synthesizing global change experiments. New Phytologist, 231: 2382-2394. abstract
- Palmquist, E.C., G.J. Allan, K. Ogle, T. Whitham, B. Butterfield, and P. Shafroth (2021). Riverine complexity and life history inform restoration in riparian environments in the southwestern United States. Restoration Ecology, 29(7):e13418. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., J. Guo, P. Nguyen, M. Bangs, L. Gear, M. Wilson, S. Jefferys, K. Samuels-Crow, L.L. Yocom, Y. Liu, M.K. Fell, D. Auty, C. Schwalm, W.R.L. Anderegg, G.W. Koch, M.E. Litvak, K. Ogle (2021). Temperature memory and non-structural carbohydrates mediate legacies of a hot drought in trees across the southwestern USA. Tree Physiology, 42: 71-85. abstract
- Page, J.C., G. Abramowitz, A.J. Pitman, K. Ogle, M.J. Hovenden, MG. De Kauwe (2022). Examining the role of environmental memory in carbon and water fluxes across Australian ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 19:1913–1932. abstract
- Ogle, K. and J.J. Barber (2020). Ensuring identifiability in hierarchical mixed effects Bayesian models. Ecological Applications. abstract
- McDowell, N.G., C.D. Allen, K. Anderson-Teixeira, B.H. Aukema, B. Bond-Lamberty, J. Clark, M. Dietze, C. Grossiord, A. Hanbury-Brown, R.B. Jackson, D.J. Johnson, L. Kueppers, J.W. Lichstein, K. Ogle, B. Poulter, R. Seidl, M.G. Turner, M. Uriarte, A.P. Walker, and C. Xu (2020). Pervasive shifts in vegetation dynamics in a changing world. Science, Vol. 368, Issue 6494, eaaz9463. abstract
- Guo, J.S., L. Gear, K. Hultine, G. Koch, and K. Ogle (2020). Non-structural carbohydrate dynamics associated with antecedent stem water potential and air temperature in a dominant desert shrub. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43:1467-1483. abstract
- Guo, J.S., K.R. Hultine, G.W. Koch, H. Kropp, and K. Ogle (2020). Temporal shifts in iso/anisohydry revealed from daily observations of plant water potential in a dominant desert shrub. New Phytologist, 225:713-726. abstract
- Samuels-Crow, K.E., K. Ogle, and M.E. Litvak (2020). Atmosphere‐soil interactions govern ecosystem flux sensitivity to environmental conditions in semiarid woody ecosystems over varying timescales. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005554, abstract
- Peltier, D.P. and K. Ogle (2020). Tree growth sensitivity to climate is temporally variable. Ecology Letters, 23:1561-1572. abstract
- Pappalardo, P., K. Ogle, E.A. Hamman, J.R. Bence, B.A. Hungate, and C.W. Osenberg (2020). Comparing traditional and Bayesian approaches to ecological meta-analysis. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 11: 1286-1296. abstract
- Laubmeier, A.N., B. Cazelles, K. Cuddington, K. Erickson, M.-J. Fortin, Ogle, C.K. Wikle, K. Zhu, and E. Zipkin (2020). Ecological dynamics: Integrating empirical, statistical, and analytical methods. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 35: 1090-1099. abstract
- Liu, Y., C.R. Schwalm, K.E. Samuels-Crow, and K. Ogle (2019). Ecological memory of daily carbon exchange across the globe and its importance in drylands. Ecology Letters, 22:1806-1816. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P. and K. Ogle (2019). Legacies of more frequent drought in ponderosa pine across the western United States. Global Change Biology, 25:3803-3816. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P. and K. Ogle (2019). Legacies of La Niña: North American monsoon can rescue trees from winter drought. Global Change Biology, 25:121-133. abstract
- Guo, J.S. and K. Ogle (2019). Antecedent soil water content and vapor pressure deficit interactively control water potential in Larrea tridentata. New Phytologist, 221:218-232. abstract
- Ogle, K., D.M.P. Peltier, M. Fell, J. Guo, H. Kropp, and J.J. Barber (2019). Should we be concerned about multiple comparisons in hierarchical Bayesian models? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10:553-564. abstract
- Ogle, K. (2018) Hyperactive soil microbes might weaken the terrestrial carbon sink. Nature, 560:32-33 (invited News & Views letter). abstract
- Fell M., J. Barber, J.W. Lichstein, and K. Ogle (2018). Multidimensional trait space informed by a mechanistic model of tree growth and carbon allocation. Ecosphere, 9(1):e02060. abstract
- Fell, M. and K. Ogle (2018). Refinement of a theoretical trait space for North American trees via environmental filtering. Ecological Monographs, 88:372-384. abstract
- Oberle, B., K. Ogle, A.E. Zanne, and C. Woodall (2018). When a tree falls: controls on wood decay predict standing dead tree failure and new risks in changing forests. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196712. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., J.J. Barber, and K. Ogle (2018). Quantifying antecedent climatic drivers of tree growth in the Southwestern US. Journal of Ecology, 106:613-624. abstract
- Ryan, E., K. Ogle, H. Kropp, K. Samuels-Crow, Y. Carrillo, and E. Pendall (2018). Modelling soil CO2 production and transport with dynamic source and diffusion terms: Testing the steady-state assumption using DETECT v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 11:1909-1928. abstract
- Samuels-Crow, K., E. Ryan, E. Pendall, and K. Ogle. (2018). Temporal coupling of subsurface and surface soil CO2 fluxes: Insights from a non-steady state model and cross-wavelet coherence analysis, Journal of Geosphysical Research – Biogeosciences, 123:1406-1424. abstract
- Truettner, C., W.R.L. Anderegg, F. Biondi, G.W. Koch, K. Ogle, C. Schwalm, M.E. Litvak, J.D. Shaw, and E. Ziaco (2018). Conifer radial growth response to recent seasonal warming and drought from the southwestern USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 418:55-62. abstract
- Harris, J.A., C.W. Marean, K. Ogle, and J. Thompson (2017). The trajectory of bone surface modification studies in paleoanthropology and a new Bayesian solution to the identification controversy. In press with Journal of Human Evolution, 111:69-81. abstract
- Kropp, H., K. Ogle, E.R. Vivoni, and K.R. Hultine (2017). The sensitivity of evapotranspiration to inter-specific plant neighbor interactions: Implications for models. Ecosystems, 20:1311-1323. abstract
- Ryan, E., K. Ogle, D. Peltier, A.P. Walker, M.G. De Kauwe, B.E. Medlyn, D.G. Williams, W. Parton, S. Asao, B. Guenet, A.B. Harper, X. Lu, K.A. Luus, S. Zaehle, S. Shu, C. Werner, J. Xia, and E. Pendall (2017). Gross primary production responses to warming, elevated CO2, and irrigation: quantifying the drivers of ecosystem physiology in a semiarid grassland. Global Change Biology, 23:3092-3106. abstract
- Schwalm, C.R., W.R.L. Anderegg, F. Biondi, G. Koch, M. Litvak, K. Ogle, J.D. Shaw, A. Wolf, and MsTMIP Participants (2017). Global patterns of drought recovery. Nature, 548:202-205. abstract
- Young-Roberston, J.M., K. Ogle, and J.M. Welker (2017). Thawing seasonal ground ice: An important water source for boreal forest plants in Interior Alaska. Ecohydrology, 10(3):e1796. abstract
- Dong, X., N. Grimm, and K. Ogle (2016). Temporal variability in hydrology modifies the influence of geomorphology on vegetation distribution along a desert stream. Journal of Ecology, 104:18-30. abstract
- Hinckley, E-L., G. Bonan, G. Bowen, B. Colman, P. Duffy, C. Goodale, B. Houlton, E. Marín-Spiotta, K. Ogle, S. Ollinger, E. Paul, P. Vitousek, K. Weathers, and D. Williams (2016). The soil and plant biogeochemistry sampling design for the National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere, 7(3):e01234 (Special Feather: NEON Design). abstract
- Hungate, B.A., D.N. Kearns, K. Ogle, M. Caron, J.C. Marks, and H.W. Rogg (2016). Hydrogen isotopes as a sentinel of biological invasion by the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica (Newman) PLOS ONE, 11(3): e0149599. abstract
- Kropp, H., K. Ogle, and M.F. Wojciechowski (2016). A framework for partitioning plant rooting profiles from neighbors using multiple data types. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27:587-595. abstract
- Oberle, B., K. Ogle, J.C. Penagos, J. Sweeney, and A. Zanne (2016). A Bayesian model for xylem vessel length accommodates subsampling and reveals skewed distributions in species that dominate seasonal habitats. Journal of Plant Hydraulics, 3:e003. abstract
- Ogle, K. and J.J. Barber (2016) Plant and ecosystem memory. CHANCE, 29:16-22. abstract
- Ogle, K., E. Ryan, F. Dijkstra, and E. Pendall (2016). Quantifying and reducing uncertainties in soil CO2 fluxes with hierarchical data-model integration. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 121:2935-2948. abstract
- Peltier, D.M.P., M. Fell, and K. Ogle (2016). Legacy effects of drought in the southwestern United States: A multi-species syntheses. Ecological Monographs, 86:312-326. abstract
- Tucker, C., S. Tamang, E. Pendall, and K. Ogle (2016). Shallow snowpack inhibits soil respiration in sagebrush steppe through multiple biotic and abiotic mechanisms. Ecosphere, 7:e01297. abstract
2015 – moved from Arizona State university to Northern Arizona University
- Anderegg, W.R.L, C. Schwalm, F. Biondi, J.J. Camarero, G. Koch, M. Litvak, K. Ogle, J.D. Shaw, E. Shevliakova, A.P. Williams, A. Wolf, E. Ziaco, and S. Pacala (2015). Pervasive drought legacies in forest ecosystems and their implications for carbon cycle models. Science, 349:528-532. abstract
- Barber, J.J., P. Gupta, W. Edwards, K. Ogle, and L. Waller. (2015). Combining and comparing multiple serial dilution assays of particles in solution with application to Brucellosis in elk of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological and Environmental Statistics, 22:161-177. abstract
- Kropp, H. and K. Ogle (2015). Seasonal stomatal behavior and the influence of plant neighbors on stomatal conductance in a common desert shrub. Oecologia, 177:345-355. abstract
- Ogle, K. and E. Pendall (2015) Isotope partitioning of soil respiration: Bayesian solution to accommodate multiple sources of variability. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 120: 221-236. abstract
- Ogle, K., J.J. Barber, G.A. Barron-Gafford, L.P. Bentley, J.M. Cable, T.E. Huxman, M.E. Loik, and D.T. Tissue (2015). Quantifying ecological memory in plant and ecosystem processes. Ecology Letters, 18:221-235. abstract
- Ryan, E., K. Ogle, T.J. Zelikova, D.R. LeCain, D.G. Williams, J.A. Morgan, and E. Pendall (2015) Antecedent moisture and temperature conditions modulate the response of ecosystem respiration to elevated CO2 and warming. Global Change Biology, 21:2588-2602. abstract
- Barber, J.J. and K. Ogle (2014). To P or not to P? Ecology, 95:621-626 abstract
- Barron-Gafford, G.A., J.M. Cable, L.P. Bentley, R.L. Scott, T.E. Huxman, G.D. Jenerette, and K. Ogle(2014). Quantifying the time scales over which exogenous and endogenous conditions affect soil respiration. New Phytologist, 202:442-454. abstract
- Evans, R.D., A. Koyama, D.L. Sonderegger, T.N. Charlet, B. Newingham, L.F. Fenstermaker, B. Harlow, V. Jin, K. Ogle, S.D. Smith, and R.S. Nowak (2014). Greater ecosystem carbon in the Mojave Desert after ten years exposure to elevated CO2. Nature Climate Change, 4:394-397. abstract
- Ogle, K., Pathikonda, S., K. Sartor, J.W. Lichstein, J. Osnas, and S.W. Pacala (2014). A model-based meta-analysis for estimating species-specific wood density and identifying potential sources of variation. Journal of Ecology, 102: 194-208. abstract
- Ogle, K., C. Tucker, and J.M. Cable (2014). Beyond simple linear mixing models: Process-based isotope partitioning of ecological processes. Ecological Applications, 24:181-195. abstract
- Pietsch, K., K. Ogle, H. Cornelissen, W. Cornwell, G. Bӧnisch, J. Craine, B. Jackson, J. Kattge, D. Peltzer, J. Penuelas, P. Reich, D. Wardle, J. Weedon, I. Wright, A. Zanne, and C. Wirth (2014). Global relationship of leaf and wood decomposability: the role of trait spectra, phylogeny and trait decomposability relations across organs. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23:1046-1057. abstract
- Tucker, C., J.M. Young, D. Williams, and K. Ogle. Process-based partitioning of winter soil respiration in a subalpine ecosystem reveals importance of rhizospheric respiration. Biogeochemistry, 121:389-408. abstract
- Cable, J.M., K. Ogle, G. Barron-Gafford, L.P. Bentley, W.L. Cable, R.L. Scott, D.G. Williams, and T.E. Huxman (2013). Antecedent conditions influence soil respiration differences in shrubs and grass patches. Ecosystems, 16:1230-1247. abstract
- Cable, J.M., K. Ogle, L.P. Bentley, W.R. Bolton, J. Welker, V. Romanovsky, H. Iwata, and Y. Harazono (2013). Permafrost thaw affects boreal deciduous plant transpiration through increased soil water, deeper thaw, and warmer soils. Ecohydrology, 4:982-997. abstract
- Gemoets, D., J.J. Barber, andK. Ogle (2013). Reversible jump MCMC for inference in a deterministic individual-based model of tree growth for studying forest dynamics. Environmetrics, 24: 433-448. abstract
- Mailloux, J.M., K. Ogle, and C.D. Frost (2013). Application of a Bayesian model to infer the contribution of coalbed natural gas produced water to the Powder River, Wyoming and Montana. Hydrological Processes, 28:2361-2381. abstract
- Newingham, B. A., C. H. Vanier, T. N. Charlet, K. Ogle, S. D. Smith, and R. S. Nowak (2013). No cumulative effect of ten years of elevated [CO2] on perennial plant biomass components in the Mojave Desert. Global Change Biology, 19:2168-2181. abstract
- Ogle, K., J.J. Barber, and K. Sartor (2013). Feedback and modularization in a Bayesian meta-analysis of tree traits affecting forest dynamics. Bayesian Analysis, 8:133-168. abstract
- Sonderegger, D., K. Ogle, R. D. Evans, R.S. Nowak, and S. Ferguson (2013). Temporal dynamics of fine roots under long-term exposure to elevated CO2 in the Mojave Desert. New Phytologist, 198:127-138. abstract
- Stahl, U., J. Kattge, B. Reu, W. Voigt, K. Ogle, J. Dickie, and C. Wirth (2013). Whole-plant trait spectra of North American woody plant species reflect fundamental ecological strategies. Ecosphere, 4:art128. abstract
- Tucker, C., J. Bell, E. Pendall, and K. Ogle (2013). Does declining carbon-use efficiency explain thermal acclimation of soil respiration with warming? Global Change Biology, 19:252-263. abstract
- Cable J.M., G. Barron-Gafford, K. Ogle, M. Pavao-Zuckerman, R.L. Scott, D.G. Williams, and T.E. Huxman (2012). Shrub encroachment alters sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature and moisture. Journal Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 117:G01001. abstract
- Ogle, K. and J.J. Barber (2012). Bayesian Statistics. In: A. Hastings, L. Gross (Eds.). Sourcebook in Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press, Berkeley.
- Ogle, K., R.W. Lucas, L.P. Bentley, J.M. Cable, G. Barron-Gafford, A. Griffith, D. Ignace, G.D. Jenerette, A. Tyler, T.E. Huxman, M.E. Loik, S.D. Smith, and D.T. Tissue (2012). Differential daytime and nighttime stomatal behavior in plants from North American deserts. New Phytologist, 194:464-476. abstract
- Resco de Dios, V., M.L. Goulden, K. Ogle, A.D. Richardson, D.Y. Hollinger, E.A. Davidson, J.G. Alday, G.A. Barron-Gafford, A. Carrara, A.S. Kowalski, W.C. Oechel, B.R. Reverter, R.L. Scott, R.K. Varner, R. Diaz-Sierra, and J.M. Moreno (2012). Endogenous circadian regulation of carbon dioxide exchange in terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 18: 1956-1970. abstract
2011 – moved from the University of Wyoming to Arizona State University
- Cable, J.M., K. Ogle, and D. Williams. (2011) Contribution of glacier meltwater to streamflow in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, inferred via a Bayesian mixing model applied to isotopic measurements. Hydrological Processes, 25:2228-2236. abstract
- Hobbs, N.T. and K. Ogle. (2011) Introducing data-model assimilation to students of ecology. Ecological Applications, 21:1537-1545. abstract
- Kattge, J., K. Ogle, G. Boenisch, S. Díaz, S. Lavorel, J. Madin, K. Nadrowski, S. Noellert, K. Sartor, and C. Wirth. (2011) A generic structure for plant trait databases. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2:202-213. abstract
- Luo, Y., K. Ogle, C. Tucker, S. Fei, C. Gao, S. LaDeau, J. Clark, and D. Schimel. (2011) Ecological forecasting and data assimilation in a data-rich era. Ecological Applications, 21:1429-1442. abstract
- Cable J.M., K. Ogle, R.W. Lucas, T.N. Charlet, M. Cleary, B.E. Ewers, A. Griffith, T.E. Huxman, M.E. Loik, R.S. Nowak, E. Pendall, M. Rogers, S.D. Smith, H. Steltzer, P.F. Sullivan, D.T. Tissue, N.C. van Gestel, and J.M. Welker. (2010) The temperature responses of soil respiration in deserts: a seven desert synthesis. Biogeochemistry, 103:71-90. abstract
- Lichstein, J.W., J. Dushoff, K. Ogle, A. Chen, D.W. Purves, J.P. Caspersen, and S.W. Pacala. (2010) Unlocking the forest inventory data: relating individual-tree performance to unmeasured environmental factors. Ecological Applications, 20:684-699. abstract
- Resco, V., J.I. Querejeta, K. Ogle, J. Voltas, M.-T. Sebastia, P.Serrano-Ortiz, J.C. Linares, C. Moreno-Gutierrez, A. Herrero, J.A. Carreira, P. Torres-Canabate, and F. Valladares. (2010) Stable isotope views on ecosystem function: challenging or challenged? Biology Letters, 6:287-289. abstract
- Cable, J.M., K. Ogle, A.P. Tyler, M.A. Pavao-Zuckerman, and T.E. Huxman (2009) Woody plant encroachment impacts on soil carbon and microbial processes: Results from a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of soil incubation data. Plant and Soil, 320:153-167. abstract
- Ogle, K. (2009) Hierarchical Bayesian statistics: Merging experimental and modeling approaches in ecology. Ecological Applications 19:577-581. abstract
- Ogle, K., J.J. Barber, C. Willson, and B. Thompson (2009) Hierarchical statistical modeling of xylem vulnerability to cavitation. New Phytologist, 182:541-554. abstract
- Ogle, K. and S.W. Pacala (2009) A modeling framework for inferring tree growth and allocation from physiological, morphological, and allometric traits. Tree Physiology, 29:587-605. abstract
- Patrick, L.D., K. Ogle, and D.T. Tissue. (2009) A hierarchical Bayesian approach for estimation of photosynthetic parameters of C3 plants. Plant, Cell and Environment, 32:1695-1709. abstract
- Patrick, L.D., K. Ogle, D. Tissue, C.W. Bell, and J. Zak. (2009) Physiological responses of two contrasting desert plant species to precipitation variability are differentially regulated by soil moisture and nitrogen dynamics. Global Change Biology, 15:1214-1229. abstract
- Price, C.A., K. Ogle, E.P. White, and J. Weitz. (2009) Evaluating allometric scaling models in biology using hierarchical Bayesian approaches. Ecology Letters, 12:641-651. abstract
- Cable, J.M., K. Ogle, D.G. Williams, J. Weltzin, and T.E. Huxman. (2008) Soil texture drives responses of soil respiration to precipitation pulses in the Sonoran Desert: Implications for climate change. Ecosystems, 11:961-979. abstract
- Hui, D.F., Y.Q. Luo, D. Schimel, J.S. Clark, A. Hastings, K. Ogle, and M. Williams. (2008) Converting raw data into ecologically meaningful products: A meeting report on data-model assimilation in ecology: Techniques and applications, Norman, Oklahoma, 22-24 October 2007. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Jan 25, 2008.
- Ogle, K. and J.J. Barber. (2008) Bayesian data-model integration in plant physiological and ecosystem ecology. Progress in Botany, 69:281-311. abstract
- Ogle, K. (2007) A collection of computer-intensive methods. Book review. BioScience, 57:886-887.
- Purves, D.W., M.A. Zavala, K. Ogle, F. Prieto, and J.M. Rey-Benayas. (2007) Environmental heterogeneity, bird-mediated directed dispersal, and oak woodland dynamics in mediterranean Spain. Ecological Monographs, 77:77-97. abstract
2006 – started faculty position at University of Wyoming
- Ogle, K., M. Uriarte, J. Thompson, J. Johnstone, A. Jones, Y. Lin, E. McIntire, and J. Zimmerman (2006). Implications of vulnerability to hurricane damage for long-term survival of tropical tree species: A Bayesian hierarchical analysis. In: J.S. Clark and A.E. Gelfand (Eds.) Hierarchical Modeling for the Environmental Sciences: Statistical Methods and Applications. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
- Reynolds, J.F., P.R. Kemp, K. Ogle, R.J. Fernández, Q. Gao, and J. Wu (2006). Modeling the unique attributes of desert ecosystems: Potentials and limitations based on lessons from the Jornada Basin. In: L.F. Huenneke, K.M. Havstad, W.H. Schlesinger (Eds.). Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: Long-term Ecological Research in the Jornada Basin, New Mexico. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
- Weitz, J.S., K. Ogle, and H.S. Horn (2006). Ontogenetically stable hydraulic design in woody plants. Functional Ecology, 20:191-199. abstract
- Huxman, T.E., K.A. Snyder, D. Tissue, A.J. Leffler, K. Ogle, W.T. Pockman, D.R. Sandquist, D.L. Potts, and S. Schwinning. (2004) Precipitation pulses and carbon fluxes in semi-arid and arid systems. Oecologia, 141:254-268. abstract
- Ogle, K. and J.F. Reynolds. (2004) Plant responses to precipitation in desert ecosystems: Integrating functional types, pulses, thresholds, and delays. Oecologia, 141:282-294. abstract
- Ogle, K., R.L. Wolpert, and J.F. Reynolds. (2004) Reconstructing plant root area and water uptake profiles. Ecology, 85:1967-1978. abstract
- Reynolds, J.F., P.R. Kemp, K. Ogle, and R.J. Fernández. (2004) Modifying the ‘pulse-reserve’ paradigm for deserts of North America: Precipitation pulses, soil water, and plant responses. Oecologia, 141:194-210. abstract
2003 – finished PhD, started post-doc at Princeton
- Ogle, K. (2003) Implications of interveinal distance for quantum yield in C4 grasses: a modeling and meta-analysis. Oecologia, 136:532-542. abstract
- Ogle, K. and J.F. Reynolds. (2002) Desert dogma revisited: coupling of stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in the desert shrub, Larrea tridentata. Plant, Cell and Environment, 25:909-921. abstract
- Bugmann, H.K.M, S.D. Wullschleger, D.T. Price, K. Ogle, D.F. Clark, and A.M. Solomon. (2001) Comparing the performance of forest gap models in North America. Climatic Change, 51:349-388. abstract
- Norby, R.J., K. Ogle, P.S. Curtis, F.-W. Badeck, A. Huth, G.C. Hurtt, T. Kohyama, and J. Peñuelas. (2001) Aboveground growth and competition in forest gap models: an analysis for studies of climatic change. Climatic Change, 51:415-447. abstract
- Ogle, K., T.G. Whitham, and N.S. Cobb. (2000) Tree-ring variation in pinyon predicts the likelihood of death following severe drought. Ecology, 81:3237-3243. abstract
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