Brandon is a postdoctoral scholar in SICCS working with Dr. Kiona Ogle. He earned his doctorate in Natural Resources and Ecohydrology at the University of Arizona in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment as well as the Laboratory of Tree Ring Research in 2023. His research interests are broadly centered on understanding how anthropogenic climate change impacts forest vitality and function and how this in turn impacts the terrestrial carbon cycle. He uses a variety of techniques for this research including stable isotope biogeochemistry, dendrochronology, and ecophysiological approaches. Brandon’s background also includes training in paleoclimate, eddy-covariance techniques, xylogenesis, and climate-vegetation feedbacks on various spatiotemporal scales. He is currently working on an NSF Macrosystems Biology project quantifying how climate extremes impact forest function on various timescales using tree rings, eddy-covariance fluxes, and stable isotopes within a Bayesian modelling framework.